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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission of a paper implies that, if accepted for publication, it will not be published elsewhere in the same form, in any language, without the consent of the Publisher. By submitting the manuscript authors declare the agreement of all authors with the conditions in the copyright notice. Authors also declare that the submission has not been previously published, nor it is submitted to another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements. The paper is carefully formatted, and the authors have complied with all the requirements according to the Instructions for Authors.
  • The blind review is ensured. Manuscript doesn't contain any information on names of author(s), affiliations, funding grants, etc. Authors' names, detailed affiliations and funding grants only occur in the description of the paper (in the editorial system).

Author Guidelines

SCIENTIA AGRICULTURAE BOHEMICA journal publishes the results from the subject fields of agriculture, food production and forestry including environmental sciences, quality of agricultural products, agricultural and biological engineering, economics and management of agriculture and other similar fields.

The journal publishes original scientific papers and review articles in English.

The journal does not have article processing charges (APCs) nor article submission charges.
Scientia Agriculturae Bohemica does not accept hard-copy paper manuscripts; all manuscripts must be submitted electronically to the journal website.

The author is fully responsible for the originality of the paper and its subject and formal correctness. The author’s declaration that the paper has not been published anywhere else should be enclosed (download License to Publish here.) The Board of Editors decides on the publication of papers, taking into account consistency with scope of the journal, blind peer reviews, scientific importance, and manuscript quality. Good laboratory practice and ethical rules must be followed.

The SI international system of measurement units should be used. Manuscripts must be grammatically and linguistically correct and authors whose native language is not English are advised to seek the help of native English-speaker. Manuscript containing language errors are prejudiced in the reviewing process and may be returned to the author for rewriting before peer review and/or before acceptance.

Manuscript Categories

ORIGINAL SCIENTIFIC PAPERS (ORIGINAL STUDY) should include: title page – headline, title of the paper, author(s), institution where work was done, abstract and key words. The paper itself is to be divided into the following sections: introduction, methods and materials, results, discussion, references, tables, graphs, figures. The paper should not exceed 15 standard pages (i.e. 1 page = 1800 characters including spaces), including tables, figures etc.

A REVIEW should contain the critical review providing a synthesis of the findings of the given topic. Article should not be longer than 20 standard pages and the literature survey should cover the most recent period. Short abstracts in English is a required part of the paper.

Manuscript Preparation

The manuscript must be submitted as a MS Word or other processing document (file type .doc or .rtf). The manuscript should supplied in the A4 format, using Times New Roman font, size 12, with close to 30 lines per page and 60 characters per line, i.e. 1800 characters, including gaps, double spacing, in a non-formatted style. The text file should be stored without splitting words and without any alignments into blocks. It is compulsory to use over the whole manuscript numbered lines. Otherwise, reviewer cannot indicate the necessary changes.

Tables, graphs, and other materials are submitted separately to the text. Every mentioned document has to be saved on a separate sheet, with the title describing precisely the document and units presented.

MS Word editor should be used to create tables; in tables, each item should be placed into a separate cell. Tables are numbered with Arabic numerals in the order in which they are referred to in the text.

Graphs should be provided in MS Excel and they should be stored with original data (the font and type size should be consistent with the general journal format requirements to be incorporated into the text). Autotypes (black and white ones are preferred) should be submitted in high resolution (300 dpi) .tiff or .jpg format. All graphs and photos should be numbered continually, according to the order in which they are included in the text, again using Arabic numerals. All other materials should be submitted in digital form, black and white format. Coloured graphs, photos or maps may be published following an agreement, but this will be exclusively at the author’s own cost (4.000,- Kč or 160,- EUR for printed page). All materials included in the paper should be referred to in the text. If any abbreviations are used in the paper, they shall be explained appropriately when they are used in the text for the first time. It is not advisable to use any abbreviations in the paper title or in the abstract.

The title of the paper should express its aim and should not exceed 90 characters including spaces. The text should not contain abbreviations and superfluous words (assessment, study, description, brief results, preliminary information, etc.) Subheadings should not be used.
Authors of the paper should be shown by the initials of their first (Christian) and middle names and full third name (surname). Official workplaces of each author should be presented below their names and denoted by a number next to the authors’ names.

The abstract should not contain more than 200 words. It should give the aim of the contribution, basic methodology (objects of the research, and research and analytical methods), principal findings (give specific data and their statistical significance), and the main conclusions. Authors should emphasize new and important aspects of their study and should use only generally known abbreviations. No publications or discussion of results are cited in the abstract.

Key words
not more than 6 words, should characterize the studied topic as well as possible and nouns given in the title must not be repeated.

The manuscript has several sections as follows

INTRODUCTION – clearly presents the aim of the contribution. It summarises the essence of the research and gives only strictly limited references that support the state of the present knowledge. Each contribution must contain this section. Quotations published in the text should coincide with the data in the list of references. Authors are presented in the manuscript by their surname and the year of publication. Papers published by one or two authors are to be cited by their names, those published by three or more authors by the name of the first one with suffix „et al.“ If more than one paper by the same author(s) published in the same year and are cited, they should be differentiated by year a,b,c etc. both in the text and the list of references. Names and year of publication are to be cited by including them in the text directly, e.g. “ published by Brown (1995)” or indirectly – citing authors and year of publication in parenthesis (Green, Grey, 1996), (Jakl et al., 2002). Several papers cited together should be arranged according to the year of publication starting with the oldest one.

MATERIALS AND METHODS – this section describes the subject of the research, observations and operating procedures sufficiently detailed to make them reproducible. The material used is defined accurately (species, varieties, breeds, machines, used chemicals, experimental sites, groups of animals, housing, procedures for measurements and evaluation, number of replications, used statistical methods and programmes). They also include characteristics of the experimental site and the weather pattern. There are also references to the methods used including statistical methods. Type and manufacturer of devices should be given.

RESULTS – this section contains results in logical sequence, as far as possible in tables, graphs, or in illustrations, if required. Identical results cannot be presented in tables as well as in graphs. Only important observations should be emphasised or summarized. Results of statistical evaluation should be denoted clearly.

DISCUSSION - should unambiguously express a comparison of the achieved results with the previous knowledge of the topic. It must make clear what is completely new in the presented results and where these results differ from the findings of other authors, and in what they coincide with the published opinions. Discussion should emphasise the significance of the results and draw attention to the newly opened issues and the need for their solution.

CONCLUSIONS – sum up the new knowledge in contributions. The data presented in the results and discussion sections are not repeated in detail. The relationship between the achieved results and the aims of the research is shown. It is necessary to avoid unqualified ideas and conclusions that are not supported by the results. Recommendations, if necessary, should be presented. Each contribution should include the conclusions section.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS – the authors thank only those who significantly participated in the contribution. This section also includes the number and title of a grant or its provider or other funding institution and number of the project (for example: Supported by Ministry of Agriculture od the Czech Republic, Project No. QH12345.)

REFERENCES - the literature quoted should consist of works from reviewed scientific sources.. The author bears the responsibility for the accuracy of the presented literature when all publications quoted in the text are presented in the reference section (not “other authors”). They are presented in alphabetical order according to the surname of the first author in capital letters, first names by initials; the title of quoted study after the colon, the journal’s name, volume, number of pages or their extent. The title of the periodical should be typed in full. All names of the authors must be printed in English transcription without national letters. If the references are not in English they must be translated into English, with a note in parentheses stating the original language of the contribution – e.g. in Russian.

Papers in monographs and proceedings should be presented according to the following example:

Journal article
Bubáková P (2013): Effect of economic changes on time series modelling and testing of bread wheat prices. Scientia Agriculturae Bohemica, 44, 178–188. doi:
Gamelin FX, Baquet G, Berthoin S, Thevenet D, Nourry C, Nottin S, Bosquet L (2009): Effect of high intensity intermittent training on heart rate variability in prepubescent children. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 105, 731–738. doi:
In case doi was given to the paper it should be indicated! Doi could be found on (by identification the title of paper and the name of the first author).

Article by DOI
Slifka MK, Whitton JL (2000): Clinical implications of dysregulated cytokine production. Journal of Molecular Medicine, doi: 10.1007/s001090000086.

South J, Blass B (2001): The future of modern genomics. 1st Ed. Blackwell, London.
Book chapter, proceedings article:
Brown B, Aaron M (2001): The politics of nature. In: Smith J (ed): The rise of modern genomics. 3rd Ed. Wiley, New York, 230–257.
Janson L, Ahlin KA (1992): Postpartum reproductive performance in cattle selected for high and low fat content. In: Proc. 43rd Annu. Meeting European Association for Animal Production, Madrid, Spain, 93–95.

Trent JW (1975): Experimental acute renal failure. Dissertation, University of California
On-line source (quotation of web sites):
Cartwright J (2007): Big stars have weather too. IOP Publishing PhysicsWeb. Accessed 26 June, 2007

Revision have to respect all editor's and reviewers' comments; every comment has to be adressed by authors in Response to rewievers. Moreover, the changes in the revised manuscript should be performed in another colour than the previous versions.

Other requirements
Contact address of only one of the authors to whom correspondence can be sent should be shown in English at the end of the contribution. Apart from the postal address it must also contain telephone number in international format. Email address is also essential.

Proofs (imprimatur)
They are made within three days using standard correction marks (they can be obtained from the Editor's office). Completed correction (hard copy) is denoted by the word Imprimatur in the upper right side of the page with the date and signature. Corrections should not involve extensive changes in the text or changes that would alter the meaning or aim of the communication, or view of the authors expressed in the manuscript that has been accepted for publication.

A separate copy cannot be sent to authors, they may download this article from websites of the journal SAB on, or from the websites of the Czech University of Life Sciences (CZU) , Scientia Agriculturae Bohemica, SAB.


ORIGINAL SCIENTIFIC PAPERS (ORIGINAL STUDY) should include: title page – headline, title of the paper, author(s), institution where work was done, abstract and key words. The paper itself is to be divided into the following sections: introduction, methods and materials, results, discussion, references, tables, graphs, figures. The paper should not exceed 15 standard pages (i.e. 1 page = 1800 characters including spaces), including tables, figures etc.


A REVIEW should contain the critical review providing a synthesis of the findings of the given topic. Article should not be longer than 20 standard pages and the literature survey should cover the most recent period. Short abstracts in English is a required part of the paper.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.